Most people think that they are good people. A simple way to help someone come to the realization that they are in need of a redeemer can be done with a few questions.
Thank you Ray Comfort for this simple way to break it down and reach people with the grace of God!
Good Person Test
Have you ever told a lie, even a white lie?
What does that make you?
A liar, I guess.
Have you ever stolen anything regardless of its value?
What does that make you?
A thief.
Have you ever been angry at someone?
Oh yeah.
Jesus said that being angry toward someone is committing murder in your heart. If that is so then what does that make you?
A murderer.
Have you ever looked at someone with lust?
Of course.
Jesus said that if you look at someone with lust then you commit adultery with them in your heart. If that is so, then what does that make you?
An adulterer.
Therefore, on your own confession you are a lying, thieving, murderous, adulterer at heart. Now, if you stood before God and gave an account for you life, would He accept you based on your deeds?
I don’t think so.
Stay tuned for how to follow up this conversation starter with “Jesus is our Redeemer”.