John 15:18-20
Jesus speaking, "If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first. If you belonged to the world, it would love you as its own. As it is, you do not belong to the world, but I have chosen you out of the world. That is why the world hates you. Remember the words I spoke to you: 'No servant is greater than his master.' If they persecuted me, they will persecute you also. If they obeyed my teaching, they will obey yours also.”
En Espanol, Juan 15:18-20
Read brief report below for information concerning the picture.
Viji, my dear friend and fellow servant of Christ, went on a trip to Orissa, India. There August 23, 2008 was a very large, devastating riot lead by Hindu extremists against Christians in the area. Brother Viji and eight other men, being burdened for the persecuted church of Orissa, went to encourage and minister to their needs. Here are two excerpts from the report of their trip to Orissa from August 31 to September 9, 2009.
Monday September 7, 2009
We, all together visited Kandhamal the worst affected district of RIOT 2008 (23.08.2008). The Christians here underwent severe persecution. 86 killed, many raped, many houses looted and the Christians had to run for life into the dense forest. Following are some of the statistical data given by Rev. Sushant Naik of Baptist Church, Raikia, Kandhamal …
5,200 houses of Christians destroyed
50,000 Christians (5,000 families) rendered homeless
15,000 Christians fled to other districts and states
25,000 Christians Stationed at various relief camps
168 Churches, about 100 Christian institutions and
a large number of shops owned by Christians were ransacked.
The prime motto behind the riot was to eradicate Christianity from the state of Orissa, unaware of the fact that ‘they cannot’.
First we visited a place called ‘Raikia’ where a Baptist Church, the only church left without damage. We met Rev. Sushant Naik who accompanied us and take us around the nearby relief camps. Even though, many relief camps are closed by the government and the people asked to go to their native village, the people had erected small tents near the village for they don’t have a home to live. We visited the broken houses (many to the ground level) and poisoned wells. Many villages are deserted because of continuing threat.
We also visited K.Nuagan where a nun was raped. It was horrific to see the entire building with two jeeps and few bikes, set on fire.
We extended as much as help we could do on the spot by way of finance and rice to the people in the camps.
The persecution took place on 23rd August, 2008 and on the same date of 2009 the Lord celebrated the anniversary of the tribulations of HIS people in Kandhamal by sending 15 elephants (It was uncommon for the elephants to visit) and demolished 700 houses out of which 94% houses were of the culprits who persecuted God’s people. The persecutors have told ‘even the elephants have become Christian Elephants’.