Thursday, December 17, 2009

dW 12.17.09





Matthew 6:19-21

Jesus teaching, "Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”


En Espanol, Mateo 6:19-21




Happiness will come from materialism, not from meaning.
Andrei Platonov




Most people would disagree with Andrei’s opinion.  However, most people’s actions would agree with him.

Friday, December 11, 2009

dW 12.11.09





Hosea 2:19-20

God speaking to Israel, “I will accept you as my wife forever, and instead of a bride price I will give you justice, fairness, love, kindness, and faithfulness. Then you will truly know who I am.”


En Espanol, Oseas 2:19-20 




Bride price: It was the custom for the husband to pay his wife's parents a bride price.




Where Ain’t God

He was just a little lad, and on the Lord's Day, was wand'ring home from Sunday School, and dawdling on the way.  He scuffed his shoes into the grass; he found a caterpillar; he found a fluffy milk-weed pod, and blew out all the "filler."  A bird's nest in a tree o'head, so wisely placed on high, was just another wonder that caught his eager eye.  A neighbor watched his zig-zag course, and hailed him from the lawn; asked him, where he'd been that day, and what was going on.  "Oh, I've been to Sunday School."  (He carefully turned the sod, and found a snail inside.)  "I've learned a lot of God."  "M'm a very fine way," the neighbor said, "for a boy to spend his time; if you'll tell me where God is, I'll give you a brand new dime."  Quick as a flash his answer came, nor were his accents faint; "I'll give you a dollar mister, if you'll tell me where God ain't."


Monday, December 7, 2009

dW 12.07.09





Proverbs 22:24-25

Do not make friends with a hot-tempered man, do not associate with one easily angered, or you may learn his ways and get yourself ensnared.


En Espanol, Proverbios 22:24-25




Anyone can become angry - that is easy, but to be angry with the right person at the right time, and for the right purpose and in the right way - that is not within everyone's power and that is not easy.


Friday, December 4, 2009

dW 12.04.09




I hope that everyone is doing well. I wish to be in the office more so that I can be sending the daily-Words.

Shalom, Kyle




John 4:25-26

The woman said, "I know that the Messiah will come. He is the one we call Christ. When he comes, he will explain everything to us." "I am that one," Jesus told her, "and I am speaking to you now."


En Espanol, Juan 4:25-26




Lord, if I dig a pit for others, then let me fall into it; but if I dig it for myself, give me sense enough to walk around it.

Sherwood Wirt

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

dW 11.25.09





Acts 2:42-47

They devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer. Everyone was filled with awe, and many wonders and miraculous signs were done by the apostles. All the believers were together and had everything in common. Selling their possessions and goods, they gave to anyone as he had need. Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved.


En Espanol, Hechos 2:42-47




There is enough for everyone’s need but not for everyone’s greed.


Tuesday, November 24, 2009

dW 11.24.09





Psalm 24:1

The earth is the LORD's, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it.


En Espanol, Salmos 24:1 




No duty is more urgent than that of returning thanks.

Saint Ambrose

Monday, November 23, 2009

dW 11.23.09





2 Corinthians 4:8, 16-18

We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; 9persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed… Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.



En Espanol, 2 Corintios 4:4, 16-18 




A Christian lady was complaining to a friend about the hardness of life and the circumstances that buffeted her and in anger said:  "Oh, I wish to God that I had never been made!"  "My dear child," replied the friend," you are not yet made; you are only being made, and you are quarreling with God's processes."


Friday, November 20, 2009

dW 11.20.09





Psalm 19:14

May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, O LORD, my Rock and my Redeemer.


En Espanol, Salmos 19:14




There is no miraculous cure for heartache.  With all the wonder drugs there is no instant and wondrous cure for sorrow.  We cannot use force of will to reach in and tear the sackcloth from our souls.  But we can achieve healing through faith.  We can share our troubles with our Heavenly Father.

William Silverman

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

dW 11.18.09





Romans 8:35-39

Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall trouble or hardship or persecution or famine or nakedness or danger or sword? As it is written: "For your sake we face death all day long; we are considered as sheep to be slaughtered." No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.


En Espanol, Romanos 8:35-39




Without Christ I was like a fish out of water.  With Christ I am in the ocean of love.

Sadhu Singh

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

dW 11.17.09





1 Corinthians 6:9-11

Do you not know that the wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor male prostitutes nor homosexual offenders nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. And that is what some of you were. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God.


En Espanol, 1 Corintios 6:9-11




Isn’t sin all the same in the eyes of God?  Why is it that we have come to accept some sins while crusading against others?  Why doesn’t greed and slander get the same attention as the others in the same list?

Friday, November 13, 2009

dW 11.13.09

dW Recipients,

I have not been in the office this week. Next week doesn’t look like I’ll be in either.

In the mean time please take advantage of the website to review past posts.

There are a wealth of posts (484 total) all the way back to  Feb. 1, 2007.

Sincerely, Kyle






1 Corinthians 13:1-3

If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal. If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but have not love, I am nothing. If I give all I possess to the poor and surrender my body to the flames, but have not love, I gain nothing.


En Espanol, 1 Corintios 13:1-3




Missionary zeal does not grow out of intellectual beliefs, nor out of theological arguments, but out of love.

Roland Allen

Monday, November 9, 2009

dW 10.09.09



Acts 5:42

Day after day, in the temple courts and from house to house, they never stopped teaching and proclaiming the good news that Jesus is the Christ.


En Espanol, Hechos 5:42*1zJ3AfqbO3nKK*JyZmkjWhZfxWphPlXV5*p00txz7FFX6LdwG8ENM-eCmLxyi1FtpavwPyWR3u/quotes.jpg


No one has the right to hear the gospel twice, while there remains someone who has not heard it once.

Oswald J. Smith

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

dW 11.04.09



Luke 15:3-7

Then Jesus told them this parable: "Suppose one of you has a hundred sheep and loses one of them. Does he not leave the ninety-nine in the open country and go after the lost sheep until he finds it? And when he finds it, he joyfully puts it on his shoulders and goes home. Then he calls his friends and neighbors together and says, 'Rejoice with me; I have found my lost sheep.' I tell you that in the same way there will be more rejoicing in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who do not need to repent.


En Espanol, Lucas 15:3-7*1zJ3AfqbO3nKK*JyZmkjWhZfxWphPlXV5*p00txz7FFX6LdwG8ENM-eCmLxyi1FtpavwPyWR3u/quotes.jpg


I have but one candle of life to burn, and I would rather burn it out in a land filled with darkness than in a land flooded with light.

John Keith Falconer


Part 1: Today in chapel, we had a man from MBMS come and speak to us about missions and what it means to live missionally.  Jesus tells us to go to Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and the uttermost parts of the earth.  (Acts 1:8)  It is important to notice that from where Jesus ministered, these places begin where He was standing and then expanded further and further outward.  Jerusalem then can be thought of as your neighborhood or city, Judea as your state, Samaria as your nation, and the rest of the world as the rest of the world.  No location is exempt and none are to be neglected.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

dW 11.03.09



Genesis 1:26-28

Then God said, "Let us make man in our image, in our likeness, and let them rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, over all the earth, and over all the creatures that move along the ground." So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them. God blessed them and said to them, "Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air and over every living creature that moves on the ground."


En Espanol, Génesis 1:26-28*1zJ3AfqbO3nKK*JyZmkjWhZfxWphPlXV5*p00txz7FFX6LdwG8ENM-eCmLxyi1FtpavwPyWR3u/quotes.jpg


When God is ignored, so are those that He created in His image.

Q. Kinnison

Friday, October 30, 2009

dW 10.30.09



John 3:28-30

(John the Baptizer is speaking) “You yourselves can testify that I said, 'I am not the Christ but am sent ahead of him.' The bride belongs to the bridegroom. The friend who attends the bridegroom waits and listens for him, and is full of joy when he hears the bridegroom's voice. That joy is mine, and it is now complete. He must become greater; I must become less.”


En Espanol*1zJ3AfqbO3nKK*JyZmkjWhZfxWphPlXV5*p00txz7FFX6LdwG8ENM-eCmLxyi1FtpavwPyWR3u/quotes.jpg


I don't want people to see me - I want them to see Jesus.
James Caviezel, actor that portrayed Jesus in the film The Passion of the Christ


John knew that he was the messenger, not the message.  It is important to avoid raising ourselves up or putting ourselves in a position to be raised up by others.  We are not the focus.  God is the Good News.  We are His servants and we are to operate in such a way that He receives all the glory. 

Thursday, October 29, 2009

dW 10.29.09





Matthew 5:14-16

"You are the light of the world. A city on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven.


En Espanol




The moon has no light of its own.  It mirrors the light that the sun puts forth.  Christians are to be in the same way reflections of the Light of our Father.



Monday, October 26, 2009

dW 10.26.09





Ephesians 6:11-12

Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.


En Espanol, Efesios 6:11-12




We stumble and fall constantly even when we are most enlightened. But when we are in true spiritual darkness, we do not even know that we have fallen.
Thomas Merton


real life


Four or five weeks ago, our church began doing outreach in our apartment complex.  We have so far held an ice cream social and a pumpkin decorating contest.  Two weeks ago, I went out to the car and found a business card promoting “adult entertainment” services.  It upset me that this type of business has a place in our society, that it decided to promote itself our complex, and that the cards were completely accessible to children.  What is interesting about this situation is that this is the first time this has happened in all the time that my wife and I have lived there.  Certainly the good that we desire to do there is being resisted by the powers that be.

Friday, October 23, 2009

dW 10.23.09





Acts 17:24-28

"The God who made the world and everything in it is the Lord of heaven and earth and does not live in temples built by hands. And he is not served by human hands, as if he needed anything, because he himself gives all men life and breath and everything else. From one man he made every nation of men, that they should inhabit the whole earth; and he determined the times set for them and the exact places where they should live. God did this so that men would seek him and perhaps reach out for him and find him, though he is not far from each one of us. 'For in him we live and move and have our being.' As some of your own poets have said, 'We are his offspring.'”


En Espanol, Hechos 17:24-28




An idol of the mind is as offensive to God as an idol of the hand.
Aiden Wilson Tozer

Thursday, October 22, 2009

dW 10.22.09





Mark 8:27-29

Jesus and his disciples went on to the villages around Caesarea Philippi. On the way he asked them, "Who do people say I am?" They replied, "Some say John the Baptist; others say Elijah; and still others, one of the prophets." "But what about you?" he asked. "Who do you say I am?" Peter answered, "You are the Christ."


En Espanol, Marcos 8:27-29




What we believe about God is the most important thing about us.

A.W. Tozer

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

dW 10.21.09





1 Peter 5:7

Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.


En Espanol, 1 Pedro 5:7




The story is told of a poor man who plodded along toward home in an Irish town carrying a huge bag of potatoes.  A horse and wagon carrying a stranger came along, and the stranger stopped the wagon and invited the man on foot to climb inside.  This the poor man did, but when he sat down in the wagon he held the bag of potatoes in his arms.  And when it was suggested that he should set it down, he said very warmly:  “Sure, I don’t like to trouble you too much.  You’re giving me a ride.  I’ll carry the potatoes!”  Sometimes we think we are doing the Lord a favor when we carry the burden.  But the work is His, and the burden is His, and He asks us only to be faithful.

Isaac Page

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

dW 10.20.09





I John 1:9

If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.


En Espanol, 1 Juan 1:9




Forgiveness is a funny thing, it warms the hearts and cools the sting.
Peter Allen

Monday, October 19, 2009

dW 10.19.09





Romans 3:21-26

But now a righteousness from God, apart from law, has been made known, to which the Law and the Prophets testify. This righteousness from God comes through faith in Jesus Christ to all who believe. There is no difference, for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus. God presented him as a sacrifice of atonement, through faith in his blood. He did this to demonstrate his justice, because in his forbearance he had left the sins committed beforehand unpunished— he did it to demonstrate his justice at the present time, so as to be just and the one who justifies those who have faith in Jesus.


En Espanol, Romanos 3:21-26




The Law and the Prophets testify of a different righteousness.  This righteousness does not require perfection.  It requires admittance of weakness and frailty.  This righteousness comes by faith in Jesus whose perfection meets and exceeds the Law, whereby making Him able to be the final sin sacrifice for the sins of humanity. 

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

dW 10.14.09





1 Corinthians 11:1

Follow my example, as I follow the example of Christ.


En Espanol, 1 Corintios 11:1




Example is more forceful than precept.  People look at me six days a week to see what I mean on the seventh day.

Pastor Richard Cecil 

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

dW 10.13.09





Mark 8:11-13

The Pharisees came and began to question Jesus. To test him, they asked him for a sign from heaven. He sighed deeply and said, "Why does this generation ask for a miraculous sign? I tell you the truth, no sign will be given to it." Then he left them, got back into the boat and crossed to the other side.


En Espanol, Marcos 8:11-13




Jesus was not going to be their genie.  Jesus did not come to be a show pony.

Why did the Pharisees repeatedly ask for a sign? They wanted Jesus to prove His authority, to prove that He was who He said He was. The problem here is that Jesus had already made His authority known and they still denied it.

Have you ever asked God to give you a sign? “God, if You do this, then I’ll do this.” Do you really need a sign or are you simply dodging obedience?

Monday, October 12, 2009

dW 10.12.09





Colossians 3:12-14

Therefore, as God's chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience. Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another. Forgive as the Lord forgave you. And over all these virtues put on love, which binds them all together in perfect unity.


En Espanol, Colosenses 3:12-14




When a man told the clergyman he disapproved of organized religion, the latter assured him that his was the most disorganized one available.

Victor Solomon

Friday, October 9, 2009

dW 10.09.09





Matthew 5:14-16

Jesus speaks, “You are the light of the world. A city on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven.”


En Espanol, Mateo 5:14-16




No candle which God lights was ever meant to burn alone.

J. C. Ryle

Thursday, October 8, 2009

dW 10.08.09





Proverbs 29:11

A fool gives full vent to his anger, but a wise man keeps himself under control.


En Espanol, Proverbios 29:11




A quick temper will make a fool of you soon enough.
Bruce Lee

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

dW 10.07.09





Romans 14:1-4

Accept him whose faith is weak, without passing judgment on disputable matters. One man's faith allows him to eat everything, but another man, whose faith is weak, eats only vegetables. The man who eats everything must not look down on him who does not, and the man who does not eat everything must not condemn the man who does, for God has accepted him. Who are you to judge someone else's servant? To his own master he stands or falls. And he will stand, for the Lord is able to make him stand


En Espanol, Romanos 14:1-4




Never make a principle out of your experience; let God be as original with other people as he is with you.

Oswald Chambers

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

dW 10.06.09





Psalm 119:49-50

Remember your word to your servant, for you have given me hope. My comfort in my suffering is this: Your promise preserves my life.


En Espanol, Salmos 119:49-50




He who would live a life without pain has come to the wrong world.  There is no such choice here on this earth.  But we can choose, at least to some extent, the kind of pain we want to have.  We can choose between creative pain and pointless pain, between holy pain and petty pain, between pain for a purpose and pain that has no purpose.

Jack Riemer

Monday, October 5, 2009

dW 10.05.09





John 15:18-20

Jesus speaking, "If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first. If you belonged to the world, it would love you as its own. As it is, you do not belong to the world, but I have chosen you out of the world. That is why the world hates you. Remember the words I spoke to you: 'No servant is greater than his master.' If they persecuted me, they will persecute you also. If they obeyed my teaching, they will obey yours also.”


En Espanol, Juan 15:18-20




Read brief report below for information concerning the picture.





Viji, my dear friend and fellow servant of Christ, went on a trip to Orissa, India. There August 23, 2008 was a very large, devastating riot lead by Hindu extremists against Christians in the area. Brother Viji and eight other men, being burdened for the persecuted church of Orissa, went to encourage and minister to their needs. Here are two excerpts from the report of their trip to Orissa from August 31 to September 9, 2009.


Monday September 7, 2009

We, all together visited Kandhamal the worst affected district of RIOT 2008 (23.08.2008).  The Christians here underwent severe persecution. 86 killed, many raped, many houses looted and the Christians had to run for life into the dense forest. Following are some of the statistical data given by Rev. Sushant Naik of Baptist Church, Raikia, Kandhamal …


 5,200 houses of Christians destroyed

           50,000 Christians (5,000 families) rendered homeless

           15,000 Christians fled to other districts and states

           25,000 Christians Stationed at various relief camps

                168 Churches, about 100 Christian institutions and

                       a large number of shops owned by Christians were ransacked.


The prime motto behind the riot was to eradicate Christianity from the state of Orissa, unaware of the fact that ‘they cannot’.


First we visited a place called ‘Raikia’ where a Baptist Church, the only church left without damage. We met Rev. Sushant Naik who accompanied us and take us around the nearby relief camps. Even though, many relief camps are closed by the government and the people asked to go to their native village, the people had erected small tents near the village for they don’t have a home to live. We visited the broken houses (many to the ground level) and poisoned wells. Many villages are deserted because of continuing threat. 


We also visited K.Nuagan where a nun was raped.  It was horrific to see the entire building with two jeeps and few bikes, set on fire.


We extended as much as help we could do on the spot by way of finance and rice to the people in the camps.



The persecution took place on 23rd August, 2008 and on the same date of 2009 the Lord celebrated the anniversary of the tribulations of HIS people in Kandhamal by sending 15 elephants (It was uncommon for the elephants to visit) and demolished 700 houses out of which 94% houses were of the culprits who persecuted God’s people.  The persecutors have told ‘even the elephants have become Christian Elephants’.

Friday, October 2, 2009

dW 10.02.09





James 4:13-15

Now listen, you who say, "Today or tomorrow we will go to this or that city, spend a year there, carry on business and make money." Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes. Instead, you ought to say, "If it is the Lord's will, we will live and do this or that."


En Espanol, Santiago 4:13-15 




Oh teach me, Lord, to treasure much

The simple things of life- the touch

Of wind and snow, of rain and sun;

And when the hours of work are done,

The quietness of rest, the fair

And healing sustenance of prayer.

And, Lord of living, help me keep

A shining, singing gladness deep

Within for blessings yet to be

Through all eternity.


Thursday, October 1, 2009

dW 10.01.09





Revelation 21:3-4

And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, "Now the dwelling of God is with men, and he will live with them. They will be his people, and God himself will be with them and be their God. He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away."


En Espanol, Apocalipsis 21:3-4




For death is no more than a turning of us over from time to eternity.

William Penn

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

dW 09.30.09





Hebrews 13:5-6

Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said, "Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you." So we say with confidence, "The Lord is my helper; I will not be afraid. What can man do to me?"


En Espanol, Hebreos 13:5-6




Our desires must not only be offered up to God, but they must all terminate in him, desiring nothing more than God, but still more and more of him.

Matthew Henry

Monday, September 28, 2009

dW 09.28.09





Jeremiah 17:7-8

But blessed is the man who trusts in the LORD, whose confidence is in him. He will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream. It does not fear when heat comes; its leaves are always green. It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit.


En Espanol, Jeremías 17:7-8




There was a ship at sea in time of storm.  The passengers were in great distress.  After a while one of them, against orders, went up on deck and made his way to the pilot.  The seaman was at his post of duty at the wheel and when he saw the man was greatly frightened he gave him a reassuring smile.  Then the passenger turned and went back to the other passengers and said, “I have seen the pilot and he smiled, ’All is well.’”  When our small boat of life is storm-tossed and our hearts are fearful, we may push through the storm to our Pilot who is standing at the wheel, and when we see His face we shall know that all is well.

Robert Louis Stevenson

Thursday, September 24, 2009

dW 09.24.09





James 1:22-25

Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says. Anyone who listens to the word but does not do what it says is like a man who looks at his face in a mirror and, after looking at himself, goes away and immediately forgets what he looks like. But the man who looks intently into the perfect law that gives freedom, and continues to do this, not forgetting what he has heard, but doing it—he will be blessed in what he does.


En Espanol, Santiago 1:22-25




I have never heard anything about the resolutions of the apostles, but a great deal about their acts.

Horace Mann

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

dW 09.23.09





John 15:9-14

Jesus says, "As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Now remain in my love. If you obey my commands, you will remain in my love, just as I have obeyed my Father's commands and remain in his love. I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete. My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends. You are my friends if you do what I command.


En Espanol, Juan 15:9-14




Someone has pointed out that the mere knowledge of religious truth “without an honest attempt at translating it into action and putting it into practice, will not profit a person very much.”  Medicine left in a bottle, unused, will not help anybody.  Machinery stored in a shed and never used will be of small value to anyone.  Books that are kept on a shelf and never read will help nobody.

Abraham Feldman

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

dW 09.22.09





Psalm 19:1-7

The heavens declare the glory of God, the sky proclaims His handiwork. Day to day makes utterance, night to night speaks out. There is no utterance, there are no words, whose sound goes unheard. Their voice carries throughout the earth, their words to the end of the world. He placed in them a tent for the sun, who is like a groom, coming forth from the chamber, like a hero, eager to run his course. His rising-place is at one end of heaven, and his circuit reaches the other; nothing escapes his heat.


En Espanol, Salmos 19:1-7




A man can no more diminish God's glory by refusing to worship Him than a lunatic can put out the sun by scribbling the word, 'darkness' on the walls of his cell.
C. S. Lewis

Friday, September 18, 2009

dW 09.18.09





Micah 6:8

He has showed you, O man, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.


En Espanol, Miqueas 6:8




Redeem thy misspent time that's past, and live this day as if thy last.
Thomas Ken

Thursday, September 17, 2009

dW 09.17.09





Proverbs 31:30
Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised.


En Espanol; Proverbios 13:30




When you read any great mystery, recorded in holy Writ, you are to prostrate your Reason to Divine Revelation.
Thomas Ken




Not all Scripture is logical to men but it is nonetheless Theo-logical.

Monday, September 14, 2009

dW 09.14.09





2 Peter 2:18-19

For they mouth empty, boastful words and, by appealing to the lustful desires of sinful human nature, they entice people who are just escaping from those who live in error. They promise them freedom, while they themselves are slaves of depravity—for a man is a slave to whatever has mastered him.


En Espanol; 2 Pedro 2:18-19 




The service of the Holy Spirit is that He helps us to distinguish pleasure from happiness and develop real joy.  There are many experiences which give us temporary pleasure but do not add up to abiding satisfaction.  Their thrills pass quickly, and sometimes leave a trail of regret and remorse.  Some of our sense pleasures are like lightning flashes, while true joy is like the sunlight.

Ralph Sockman


Friday, September 11, 2009

dW 09.11.09





Ezekiel 36:26-27

I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you; I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh. And I will put my Spirit in you and move you to follow my decrees and be careful to keep my laws.


En Espanol, Ezequiel 36:26-27




In comparison with this big world, the human heart is only a small thing.  Though the world is so large, it is utterly unable to satisfy this tiny heart.  The ever-growing soul and its capacity can be satisfied only in the infinite God.  As water is restless until it reaches its level, so the soul has no peace until it rests in God.

Sundar Singh (1889-1929), Indian Christian missionary




When I typed the date into the subject, I realized that today is 9-11. Oh how easily do I forget or ignore the hurting and broken around me.

Make time today to think about people around you that are hurting and broken. How might you be in prayer for them, how might you met their present need?

Thursday, September 10, 2009

dW 09.10.09





Romans 5:1-5

Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have gained access by faith into this grace in which we now stand. And we rejoice in the hope of the glory of God. Not only so, but we also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us.


En Espanol, Romanos 5:1-5




Dear Child of God, I am sorry suffering is not optional. It seems to be part and parcel of the human condition, but suffering can either embitter or ennoble.

Desmond Tutu

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

dW 09.09.09





1 Thessalonians 5:17

Pray continually.


En Espanol, 1 Tesalonicenses 5:17




I need the opportunity to free my mind of sorrow, personal concerns; to see my world through the mirrored reflection of holiness.  I need a time of prayer to leap beyond what is limiting in me as a person, to rediscover what is important and what is trivial, to take counsel with what my tradition stresses as the living faith.  I need prayer.

Albert Silverman

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

dW 09.08.09





1 Peter 4:8

Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins.


En Espanol; 1 Pedro 4:8




When we voluntarily do what is best for others, we are also doing what is best for ourselves.

Gracious Christianity: Living the Love We Profess

Friday, September 4, 2009

dW 09.04.09





1 Corinthians 13:4-7

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.

Love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up.

It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs.

It does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil;

Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth.

It does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth;

It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.

It bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.


En Espanol; 1 Corintios 13:4-7




Wherever the words "love" or "it" appear, substitute your own name. See how you feel when you read the personalized verses for Y-O-U. It left me with much inner reflection. Am I love/do I show love CONSISTENTLY to- my husband, my son, my family, my friends, coworkers, strangers? The answer, sadly, is NO. Thank goodness that I serve a loving God who allows me to admit my shortcomings & then provides His word, His love, His guidance to help me to be more like Him. –K.B.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

dW 09.03.09





Matthew 25:34-40

"Then the King will say to those on his right, 'Come, you who are blessed by my Father; take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world. For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.' "Then the righteous will answer him, 'Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?' "The King will reply, 'I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.'


En Espanol; Mateo 25:34-40 




Keep me, Lord, from ever hardening down into the state of being just another average Christian.

A. W. Tozer

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

dW 09.02.09





Daniel 2:19-22

During the night the mystery was revealed to Daniel in a vision. Then Daniel praised the God of heaven and said: "Praise be to the name of God for ever and ever; wisdom and power are his. He changes times and seasons; he sets up kings and deposes them. He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to the discerning. He reveals deep and hidden things; he knows what lies in darkness, and light dwells with him.


En Espanol, Daniel 2:1-22




God's Rosebud

A new minister was walking with an older, more seasoned minister in the garden one day. Feeling a bit insecure about what God had for him to do, he was asking the older preacher for some advice. The older preacher walked up to a rosebush and handed the young preacher a rosebud and told him to open it without tearing off any petals. The young preacher looked in disbelief at the older preacher and was trying to figure out what a rosebud could possibly have to do with his wanting to know the will of God for his life and ministry. But because of his great respect for the older preacher, he proceeded to try to unfold the rose, while keeping every petal intact. It wasn't long before he realized how impossible this was to do. Noticing the younger preacher's inability to unfold the rosebud without tearing it, the older preacher began to recite the following poem –

It is only a tiny rosebud, 
A flower of God's design; 
But I cannot unfold the petals 
With these clumsy hands of mine. 

The secret of unfolding flowers 
Is not known to such as I. 
GOD opens this flower so easily, 
But in my hands they die. 

If I cannot unfold a rosebud, 
This flower of God's design, 
Then how can I have the wisdom 
To unfold this life of mine? 

So I'll trust in God for leading 
Each moment of my day. 
I will look to God for guidance 
In each step of the way. 

The path that lies before me, 
Only my Lord knows. 
I'll trust God to unfold the moments, 
Just as He unfolds the rose. 

Please share this poem with a friend if you enjoyed being reminded to let go and let God unfold your life.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

dW 09.01.09





Philippians 4:10-13

I rejoice greatly in the Lord that at last you have renewed your concern for me. Indeed, you have been concerned, but you had no opportunity to show it. I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do everything through him who gives me strength.


En Espanol, Filipenses 4:10-13




God doesn’t want to keep changing your circumstances; he wants to change you.

J. Sidlow Baxter


“The best thing to do with the best things in life is to give them away.” Shane Claiborne