Thursday, October 9, 2008

dW 10.09.08





Romans 12:2

Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.


En Espanol




On campus we have a Wittenberg door on which people can post articles or papers which address issues of the day. Today I walked by and noticed a paper on which was an image and a quote. The image was of two soldiers with machine guns. The quote read, “Why is it that as Christians we are more comfortable seeing two men holding guns then seeing two men holding hands?". Beneath that was hand written – “If either of those were sins then you’d have a point”. Wow. Often lately I have been grieved with the condition of the church. Where are we getting our truth? Is it from the Word of God or is it from the world?


Anonymous said...

Is the “thought” saying that we as Christians should not have a problem seeing pictures of those who are blatantly living in sin by being homosexual? Should we not hate the sin (and be repulsed when seeing it), yet love the sinner?

However, if the men holding hands were of Indian decent, that may be a cultural thing.

Perhaps the comment is on the fact that someone does not realize that being homosexual is a sin according to God’s Word. They are getting their “truth” from the world…

Got me thinking.

Kyle said...

The thought was meant to stir the emotions of the readers and force them to reflect and ask questions. Good job reader!

The way the paper read to me was “war/violence is bad” but “homosexuality is fine”. The hand written part below saw nothing wrong with either scenario. I am not pacifist yet I do think that violence should be avoided and that peace should be pursued. I agree with you and Augustine of Hippo that we should hate the sin but love the sinner. As Christians we should be repulsed when we see that which is contrary to God’s Word. I would also say that yes, the person who left the comment has gotten their truth from the world and if they did know the Truth of God then they’ve compromised it or if they do know the Truth of God then they’ve blatantly ignored it.

Anonymous said...

I agree that we should hate the sin (and be repulsed by it), but love the sinner and show him (or her) God’s love in action. Also, that unfortunately, we as Christians have become more and more desensitized to sin (of any sort), so we don’t even recognize it as easily now.

My church is all going through the book “Respectable Sins” during October and November. The pastor is preaching on it Sunday mornings, and then all the small groups are discussing it. The small group I’m in starts tonight, which is why I printed out what you sent. It fits right along with the subject.

Isn’t God’s timing incredible? I love it!

Anonymous said...

In many cultures around the world male friends hold hands just as many female friends may hold hands in our culture. It is not a homosexual thing, it is just that they are not homophobic like many men are in western society.

I question the sanity of a society that thinks it is macho and great to watch a wrestling/football/ice hockey, etc game with their kids and the best part of the game is when it got MORE violent and a fight broke out, but finds it revolting when two men show their friendship (or love) by holding hands.

There was a time when mankind (white ones, that is) believed firmly that God was on their side in keeping Black as slaves and practicing Aparthied; we are fortunately mostly past that, and I believe a time will come when mankind will get over their prejudice of gays and realize that God loves ALL his children just as much, no matter their color, creed or sexual preferences.

The Bible is misunderstood when people believe that this is contrary to God’s will; one can find meaning and justification for MANY things in the Bible …. Just look at the reasons for all the wars being fought throughout history!!!

How do we know when things are misunderstood in the Bible? God is pure LOVE, no conditions. Always question whether there is PURE LOVE in what is thought of as “God’s Will”.

Kyle said...

Sadly, yes many things have been done in God’s name but have been out of His will. Homosexuality however is not to be misunderstood when the Bible is used to find truth.

I have held hands with males in the Middle East. I have many male friends that when we greet each other a handshake isn’t enough, we hug because of the brotherly affection we have for one another.

God is pure love. In His love for His creation there are thing which He says not to do. His son Jesus said to the prostitute which was almost stoned for her lifestyle, Where are your accusers? Is there no one to condemn you? When she saw that they had left, he said, Neither do I condemn you. Go and sin no more. Yes, God loves us how we are. However He does not desire us to continue sinning. What do you think?

Anonymous said...

Good stuff.


“The best thing to do with the best things in life is to give them away.” Shane Claiborne