Thursday, April 7, 2011

dW 04.07.11



John 8:36

So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.


En Espanol, Juan 8:36




I don’t know where your heart is for Muslims.  It is difficult for Americans, especially those closely effected by the war, and the rest of the world for that matter, to separate peaceful Muslims from violent Jihadist Muslims.  The enemy has used Muslim terrorists to further entrap the people of Islam because now we, who have the Good News of Salvation through Jesus Christ, are afraid to go and tell them.  Yet, there are some that go to tell them that God is passionately in love with them, so much so that He sent Jesus to die in order that they be free.  May we come behind and alongside of those willing to risk their lives to go and tell dying people that God offers them eternal life.  May we be obedient to go ourselves if God so puts that burden on our heart to be the feet that bring them Good News.  Amen.




My Heart Hurts, posted 4/1/11, by a fellow dailyWord recipient

  Last summer a "pastor" in Florida wanted to burn the Quran. It made us a little nervous. Didn't he realize that he was putting people in danger. Did he care? He set the date for Sept. 11, 2001. A television pastor even made it worse by stating on the air that it could get some of our "M's" hurt. They know better than to use that word!

  They put us on lock down as the time drew nearer. We went over our evac plans and bags. I made sure that I had the important stuff in a safe place. I made plans for our dog to be taken care of. We were as prepared as we could be. They were days when we could hear the hate messages over the mosque loudspeakers. There were people in the streets yelling "Kill the Americans". Afghan students came to school afraid to be by us. I can remember talking about what could and possibly would happen. It was during that time that God was preparing my heart to leave. I was not afraid of what could happen but I was grieving for what would come. And today it did.

  I left Afghanistan on Sept. 11. I can remember wondering if that was such a good plan. I was wondering if a plane coming to America would shake things up. I thanked God that I had a flight out of Germany and not Central Asia. I wondered about leaving my husband (who came to the states soon after), my students and fellow workers there while I got out. “Would I see them again?”, I could only leave it in His hands. My grief in leaving was too overwhelming and it was one less thing to think about on the flights.

  Last week, I saw on the news that the "pastor" indeed had burned the Quran. I talked with a few others and we agreed that it would not be as safe over there now. We talked about God and how we had to leave it up to Him now. I prayed for those I left behind. I prayed for those students who will be afraid that the school staff will leave. And the friends that love that country as much as I do. Those who won't run in fear but will continue to serve. I hold them up to Him.

  Pray for Afghanistan as you have never prayed before. Pray that they can separate this burning from the people who love them and live among them. Pray for the families of those who were killed today. Just pray...

The Blue Mosque in Mazar


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“The best thing to do with the best things in life is to give them away.” Shane Claiborne