Proverbs 18:24
One who has unreliable friends soon comes to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.
En Espanol, Proverbios 18:24
The best neighbors I know anything about are my two hands. They have lived on opposite sides of the street for many years, and they have never had a row. If my left hand is hurt, my right hand immediately drops all other business and rushes across the way to comfort it, and help it out of its trouble. If one happens to hurt the other, the (one that is ) hurt doesn’t get in a huff and say, “Here, I will not stand for that; you can’t treat me that way,” and get in a fight. No, no, no. They are good neighbors. My two hands are members of one another. And Christians should be like that. They are members of Christ’s body. They should be as loving, as forbearing, as sympathetic and helpful toward each other as are my two hands.
Samuel Brengle
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