1 Corinthians 11:1
Follow my example, as I follow the example of Christ.
A rough workingman left his home one winter morning in Chicago on his way to the factory. There had been a heavy snowfall the night before. Because the day was cold and the man was not feeling quite up to the mark, he decided that he must have a bracer before he went to his work. He was heading for the rum shop at the next corner. As he plowed his way along through the snow he heard a small voice pipe out behind him, "Father, I am coming too. I am putting my feet in your tracks". The man did not go to the shop that morning when the significance of the situation dawned upon him. He would make no tracks into the door of a rum shop for his boy.
Charles Brown
Rhetorical question: What kind of example am I for my kids, my family, my friends, my coworkers, or even the person at the grocery store? Am I a light for Jesus or a dimming switch?
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