Luke 23:34
Jesus said, "Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing." And they divided up his clothes by casting lots.
"Please pray for the Church in Turkey," wrote Pastor Fikret Bocek. "Don't pray against persecution, pray for perseverance."
I just found out about the torture and murder of three Christians in Turkey that happened just last month mid April. I am quite disturbed by the information that I have found. There is very detailed articles/reports about this event. IT IS VERY GRAPHIC. Please, if you do seek to find out more, please pray before doing so.
prayer request
Please pray for Turkey, the church in Smyrna, the family and friends of Necati Aydin, Tilman Geske and Ugur Yuksel, and the men that killed them.
“None of these three men knew that what awaited them at the Bible study was the ultimate testing and application of their faith, which would conclude with their entrance into glory to receive their crown of righteousness from Christ and honor from all the saints awaiting them in the Lord’s presence.”
That was the most horrific story I have ever read. I just can not believe the length in which they went in order to torture these men. I just pray that God layed a hand on them as this was happening to ease their suffering.
"His death was full of meaning, because he died for Christ and he lived for Christ… Necati was a gift from God. I feel honored that he was in my life, I feel crowned with honor. I want to be worthy of that honor.”
A quote from Necati’s wife Shemsa
Most people think that stuff happened in the Roman Coliseum. Just a warning - do not get so much information on it so quickly that your spirit gets sick. This stuff is real and ugly. Use your new knowledge in prayer for missionaries that are in restricted access or hostile countries or environments, for house churches in China that meet despite the disapproval and harassment of their government, and for the rest of the church to open their eyes to the sufferings of their brothers and sisters. It burdens me how carefree we as American Christians are.
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