Friday, February 2, 2007


We had 6 people at our first fellowship. We prayed over the food and then broke the pizza and poured the soda. I enjoyed seeing faces instead of the just email addresses.

We discussed some ideas during lunch:
-create a space on the website for people to post their testimony
-setting up a way for people to sign up to receive the emails thru the blog
-what will it take to make this site findable through regular search engines. IE MSN, Google, Yahoo.

This website has an open door policy. So if you are looking for a country club type group then you'll need to keep looking. There will be inward and outward growth. The daily Word does exists to edify us. However, it is intended also to spur us toward evangelism. Evangelism is simply a big church word for witnessing to others about Christ.

I am excited!

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“The best thing to do with the best things in life is to give them away.” Shane Claiborne